Ijeoma Mbubaegbu, MA (Mus) (Open), EPTA Cert PTC, ABRSM CME, MISM

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Ijeoma Mbubaegbu is an experienced practitioner with a portfolio in music education, composition and arranging, and artistic consultancy.

After studying a BA(Hons) Degree in Music at Brunel University, Ijeoma went on to work for several years in events administration and journalistic positions for organisations such as the British Heart Foundation, Greenpeace and Operation Black Vote. Attaining significant experience around messaging strategies, content delivery and event production, these are the key skills which form the core of her arts sector business model today.


Ijeoma’s Vivace Music Services

Ijeoma’s Vivace Music Services is a new venture offering foundation artistic services for the everyday musical institution and artist. Providing an umbrella organisation for all of Ijeoma’s skills in arts consultancy, transcription, arrangement, composition, teaching, accompaniment, journalism and event management, Ijeoma’s Vivace Music Services provides a spectrum of services necessary for modern day classical musicians in need of assistance or advice.